Saturday, May 02, 2009

for Uncle Tom...

During this last week it has been mentioned  a few times that although we miss grandpa we know when we next see him  he will be able to do those things he loves.

Grandpa had a profound love for horses and use to chariot race.  I remember helping him one day as he was attempting to get Rose comfortable with having a sulky attached to her. I don't recall it going over very well. This love is well represented by a lariat and horseshoes.

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A glove can well represent all the hard work he did throughout his life as a carpenter and20090501 014 mason. Too mee it speaks of his love for gardening. He loved to grow things (also represented by the flowers). I especially remember him making pleased comment about being able to grow tomatoes in February while living in Ivans, UT.

When I first say this wreath I was amazed someone was able to find something which so well represented Grandpa. Throughout the coarse of the day I was able to find out it was made by his sister, Kathleen's, family.

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The stand was made by his brother-in-law LaVell Hunter. He also gathered some of the supplies. The wreath was put together by LaVell and Kathy's daughter Marsha, and daughter-in-law Kelly.

The wreath was greatly admired by many people. I personally commented about a desire to have it. It already has a place in Grandma's home where it will serves as a reminder. A reminder of Grandpa and what he loved. And, as a reminder of the world being made a better, more beautiful place because he was here.

Thank you to the LaVell and Kathy Hunter family for the wonderful gift.

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