Monday, December 08, 2008

An Ideal Christmas

My first year as a teacher,considering the separation of church and state, I asked what I was allowed to do for Christmas. The response I got was, "Just as long as it is not religious." What, it's CHRISTmas. What made it worse was when I commented about students "winter tree" having a star and realized she really didn't know why there was a star on the top of Christmas Trees. And I couldn't tell her.
I use to look forward to the Christmas season. It is a time of music and lights, candies and parties. I an not sure when I started to realized that all of this holiday magic was supposedly to be contained between the day after Thanksgiving and December 25th at about noon, if you were lucky.
That was something that really bothered mee. Why can't I sing my favorite hymns all year long? Some of the best feel good movies involve Christmas (i.e., Seasons of the Heart, White Christmas, It's a Wonderful Life) who says they can only be watched in December? Santa Clause is a discussion for another day.
There were to many children last year who informed mee of all sorts of things I should get them for Christmas. When did Christmas become all about presents? It was about mid-October I decided I was done. What is the sense in the practice of obligatory gift giving? Either you know or don't need what you are getting. Who decided gifts must be given in order to show affection? Do we need to keep up with the Jones' in this area too?
Last year the only thing I did for Christmas was go the the Creche (you missed it, it was last weekend) and spend time with friends and family. I also had a friend over to help mee make mice. (I'm hoping to do that this weekend)
This year I am still okay without the stress of spending money I don't really have to buy things for everyone I do or should talk to at least once a week. My concern is that I should be doing something to help the world remember the real meaning of Christmas. Traditions can be used to teach and add depth to life's experiences. They can also give us something to look forward to.
So here I sit looking for what I want Christmas to be in my home and with my family. How will we mark a day or season as a celebration of a life we live all year round? I guess it is a good thing I don't have to have that figured out for this year.


  1. We have been feeling much the same way! We have been blessed in amazing ways this year with a new home and car & I just don't feel the need to give many gifts & the few I do give are going to be information on food storage and budgeting to some friends who do not practice religion of any kind, but who I have felt could benefit. Thanks for sharing!

  2. close your eyes. now open them. close. open. close. open. repeat several times. good -- because that's the closest you'll get to twinkling christmas lights at malinda's joint. merry xmas to all.

  3. Christmas really has become more about the material than the spiritual. Kind of sad...

    On another note, you might want to change the font color for your blog. It's SUPER hard to read. :o)
