There once was a girl who struggled in making a decision. This wasn't new. She often struggled making decisions. She has learned that the Lord will help her make a lot of decisions. She has also learned there are some decisions that are meant for her to make on her own.
Some decisions are easy to make. There is an obvious wrong or right. Some decisions are between two right things. Sometimes it just isn't time to make a decision. She needed to wait for things to fall into place.
This particular girl has tried to think more about others than herself. Years ago a college professor told her class that members of the service profession need to take care of themselves. She believed him. "You have to take care of yourself in order to be able to take care of others."
She tries to be a good girl. She goes to church each Sunday to worship her God, and tries to serve his children. She is currently at the age where she can choose to go to church with the young and single group or with the families. During the last decade or so she has spent time attending church in both settings.
She is currently feeling the strain of being a "tweener", as one of her coworkers called her. While at work she fills the role of a stable adult in the lives of many teenagers. She is responsible for creating and implementing programs. She is involved in the processes of making decisions that will effect the lives of many students and their families.
When she goes to church she often feels like she is expected to act as she did 10 years ago, ready to do anything, at anytime. She also recognizes she isn't experienced enough to be one of the sage and solemn adults. Although she is not married, she recognizes she is in the middle of her life, and is ready to move on to participate with families and people of all ages.
The decision to make this move has been hard for her. She was with the family ward and felt she needed to go be with the singles. She has recently come to an understanding of a part of the reason she was there. She feels guilty about wanting to go back to the family ward. She wants to go back, just because she wants to. She doesn't feel she needs to. She doesn't feel like to she needs to stay with the singles. She likes the people in both groups. She has learned she really likes the family wards and being with people of all ages.
She hopes the people in the singles group will remember and use her phone number. She hopes they will feel welcome to come visit her for movies, games, and good conversation.