I have decided I like blogging. Really, I enjoy reading blogs of friends and family. It is nice to know what is going on in the lives of other people. Especially people who have come to mean a great deal to mee over the coarse of my life.
Now, some of you may not think I am that old. I'm really not. While at a YSA dance last night some of the girls in the group were really excited about a song that had just begun. I asked if I even wanted to know how older they were when it came out. That might have been a bad idea.
While at this dance I got to talk to my first crush...one of the girls I was with confirmed it was a good crush, he is still really cute...an old roommate, avoid a guy I had a bad date with once, chat with a young man who, while under the age of 5, came to girls camp with us one year, have a balloon animal made for mee by a former student, and show some of the branch members that I still know how to dance.
I have truly been blessed in my life. Although I sometime wonder why. I act like such a spoiled brat sometimes, attempting to demand from the Lord what I want when I want it. I don't know how many times I have stopped and realized that although my life isn't anything like I had once hoped it would be...I am blessed and usually happier than imagined.
I love my job. So many people praise mee for my ability to work with the population I do. As a good friend once said...I couldn't work with people who needed mee less.
I have a cute house...that is work in progress. More to come on it's recent and up coming progression.
My new puppy is a blessing. He gets mee up each morning. He gets me out and walking, and doing more in my yard. He keeps mee happy, which has been a huge blessing as I have recently struggled with the ending of a relationship. He even helps mee meet new people.
My testimony of the gospel only grows. I enjoy preparing to teach the Book of Mormon and gaining increased insight into the love Heavenly Father has for us, and all that he is willing to do.
For more of the quirky insights from my life check out : http://meesquotewall.blogspot.com/