Sunday, July 04, 2010

Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance

I am so grateful for the grace of God which allows mee to live free. Free to choose. Free to worship, or not worship, which ever I choose. We are so blessed. A beautiful land from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The poor among us have more than a majority of the word.
As I heard this on the radio I thought a prayer.

May we never be ashamed of this flag.

Fabric, yes, but so much more.
A reminder of fore fathers who thought more us than their lives or their possessions.
A reminder of soldiers willing to give their lives.
A reminder of soldiers families separated from loved ones.
And most of all
A reminder of God, who has made a preserved us a nation.
God bless America!!!

(you may need to go to to view the video)

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