Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday Memory Moment

As children, my brother, sisters and I enjoyed swimming. I remember swimming at Black Canyon Reservoir when we lived in Emmett. Most of memories, however, are of swimming at Eagle Island State Park.

The swimming is in a slow portion of the Boise River. There is a "beach". I really remember the cattails, and swimming out the island. I also remember diving for rocks. There is also a water slide. It was a special treat to enjoy. I do remember trying to keep our bare feet cool on the hot cement. We might follow wet foot prints, or stand on our mat, if we grabbed one.

We often got a season pass. It was close enough we would often go for just an hour or so after dad got home from work. I cannot say there was one particular time I remember the most. All of them sort of run together. However, I do remember what TIME we often went.

If we were wanting to go swimming when dad got home, first we had to eat dinner. Then, we had to clean up from dinner. We where usually given the same time frame as to when the dishes had to be done if we were to go swimming.

Dishes had to be done before...Hogan's Heroes was over.


  1. I think that is probably my strongest memory from when we were kids.

  2. Looks like I have some catching up to do! I like the new look of your blog. (Maybe it isn't all that's new to me, though.) Our kids LOVE Eagle Island. We always go for our Labor Day picnic. It's also fun to take a rake and go in the fall, rake up a huge pile of leaves, and then run down the hill and jump in them. :)
