Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday Memory Moment

Here are some more pictures from my recent trip to Moscow.
This is a picture of what is now the Art and Architecture South building.
This is my favorite building on the University of Idaho campus.

At the top of the building is a sword. It was originally an armory and gymnasium.

And of course...we had to get Boyd in a shot...

Friday, January 15, 2010

Give it a try...

Working at a residnetial treatment facility has it's perks. I have access to more than one therapist for free counseling. (he,he--) However, as most teachers will tell you, we are in part counselors. This advice was shared by a fellow teacher.

for those of you veiwing this facebook or email go to my blog:

Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday Memory Moment

Last week I told of making snowmen.
My friend, Amy, must have enjoyed it as much as I did.

She scapbooked it. She upload these pages on facebook and said I could share them on my blog.

It looks like my memories are similar to her documentaion.

Thanks for the pictures!!!

Friday, January 08, 2010


After ringing in the new year at a single adult dance I spent the rest of the day with guests. You may recognize them.

Monday, January 04, 2010

Monday Memory Moment

There are some things we do just to make memories. Some of these events may seem senseless to those who don't know the value of those memories. Todays pictures are from last week. Turtlebug came to visit mee and determined my snow was perfect. As we worked on our creations my mind went back to the last time I recall making snowmen. 

From 2000-2001 I worked for the University of Idaho. As an employee I was not as free to go home for all of Christmas break as the students were.
One evening Mikey, Amy and I were up late when we noticed it snowing outside. We turned off the lights and rearrange the furniture. We sat on the couch and watched it snow. Amy, a California girl, mentioned she had never built a snowman. Despite the hour (it was at least midnight) we went next door to the institute to build snowmen.

Amy's original attempt at a snowman included piling snow to build what looked like a volcano. And I thought rolling a snowball was skill one was born with. How wrong I was. She was a fast learner. After completing what was our Sister Snowman in the back of the building we headed to the front.

There we decided to see who could roll the largest snowball. Each ball was easily 3 feet (or more) in diameter. When we went to stack them we realized we could not lift them. Amy, being the resourceful one, flagged down a car of boys to help stacking our snowballs.
We ended with a 4 foot female snowman to greet people as they came back to school in the back door and a 9-12 foot snowman to greet people coming in the front.